Here is a 2018 clip from a summer seminar in San Sebastián, Spain.  Having introduced several empty handed TDD, I am introducing the idea of TDD with a “weapon” in hand.  The goal is the same with both.

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danielkati · July 6, 2018 at 8:23 pm

Wow, so that super-boring excercise I did for years actually would have made sense if I had that information 15 years ago. I’m both happy and frustrated at the same time. Thanks Allen!

admin · July 20, 2018 at 12:09 am

Hah! I know the feeling Daniel! I’ve found that if one is sincere and lucky, once one starts down this path “happy and frustrated” is the common state. Happy at “new” revelations. Frustrated that one didn’t “get it” from the start. Happy at one’s new abilities. Frustrated at where one “could” have been “if only.” Happy that progress is being made. Frustration at making the same mistakes.

Its a Yin Yang thing I suppose. One seemingly is going in circles, yet making progress. That would be the description of a spiral!

Thanks for the comment,

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