In this brief video I briefly cover how the back and arms are used in the various TDD.  Any one of these can be a separate study unto itself.  However, they should always be brought back to the whole body movement because the body moves as one unit because it IS one unit.

One can think of the body opening and closing in the manner of an octopus moving itself through the water.  Each part can act individually or they can all powerfully move in unison.


Next I will introduce the full sequence of TDD 4, 5, & 6.  There is a big difference between doing these, doing these correctly, doing these well, and doing these such that Aiki is expressed.  Please review the attributes indicating the expression of Aiki.  Only when these attributes are physically and obviously present to all (upon contact) can one begin to have confidence in one’s progress.

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Dick Willems · May 25, 2018 at 5:35 am

This is really cool. Thanks!

Dick Willems · May 25, 2018 at 5:41 am

This is really cool. Thanks!

danielkati · May 27, 2018 at 4:47 am

Very useful video, Allen. Thank you!

ady · February 3, 2019 at 1:00 pm

Hi Allen,
I have few questions on the above video. There is this concept of five bows in internal arts. The opening/closing which you have shown above … is it the same concept of using the bows?

You have shown the opening/closing of spine and arms. What about the legs? How does it open and close? Request you to explain.

    Allen Dean Beebe · February 4, 2019 at 1:22 am


    The opening/closing which I refer to is the same concept as the bows as I understand them. As for the legs, I think I addressed that in my posts about squatting. The legs open and close in the same manner as the arms. In fact, whatever one “discovers” in the legs, one should look for in the arms, and whatever one “discovers” in the arms, one should look for in the legs. The spine is constructed differently both skeletally and in tissue. So, while it does open and close, it has a different quality to it than the arms and legs.

    I hope I’ve answered you question. If not, or if you have further questions, please feel free to ask.

    Thank you for your inquiry!,


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