Hello TrueAiki readers! As you know, one of the first things that happened upon arriving in Europe was my flight to San Sebastian, Spain was cancelled. They offered us an alternative flight which would have taken 12 hours. Normally the flight is 2 hours. We could have driven to San Sebastian in 14 hours . . . either way, I wouldn’t make it in time. Sometimes life is just that way!

Happily, the travel to and from the next two seminars went fine. Also, those two seminars were both a blast! It was SOOOOOO great to see and train with old friends again! Sometimes life works out like that.

Travelling back home was an adventure. Schiphol is bursting with travelers and is struggling to keep up. Hence, our cancelled first flight! I arrived 4 hours early, and it took all four hours to jump through the hoops to board my plane. Once on board, the flight was delayed because it hadn’t been supplied correctly due, again, to Schiphol staffing issues. Consequently, when I arrived home I was a bit late. This threw off my pickup schedule. So, I sat for 2 hours in 90º heat before being picked up. By the time I got to sleep, I had been awake 24 hours. Sometimes life is just that way.

I had scheduled a day off of work, to recover from jet lag, before returning. However, our clothes dryer had broken while I was away and I needed to clear my wood shop and wood to extract the old dryer and replace it. Sometimes life is just that way.

Wednesday I went to work. I wore my N95 mask because I always were my N95 mask at work, on the way home I began to feel like I had a sore throat. Thursday I returned to work, with my N95 on again. I began to feel worse and worse. When I got home, I let them know that I wouldn’t be into work Friday. I did an Antigen test Wednesday and Thursday and they were both negative. It seemed I just had a cold. Hey, sometimes life is just that way!

Friday I was scheduled to see my doctor. I had been having occasional afib. I told them about my symptoms and they said, “Stay home and see us when you feel better.” My wife said, “Go get a PCR test!” So I dragged my sick bottom to the doctors and got a PCR test. I’d already tested negative 2x, but hey sometimes yah gotta do what your wife tells yah, sometimes life’s just that way!

Saturday I’m on the couch feeling sorry for myself when my test result comes in. YOU’VE GOT COVID! Yep, you know how it is. Sometimes life is just that way!!

So I’ve tested postive for COVID on every Antigen test ever since then. The good news is the rest of my family are all symptom free and testing negative. That sure is lucky. Sometimes life is just that way.

Sunday, my computer inexplicably stopped working AND I tested STRONGER positive than I had the last few days. I’m in isolation. I didn’t think I had to isolate myself from my computer! Oh well, you know what they say . . .

Today is Monday again. I’m still in isolation. I’m pecking at my laptop and while I do multiple reloads and updates to my desktop system. I don’t have much else to do. This might delay the posting of the next part of my “Aikiology” post. Try to be patient, sometimes life is just that way.

And, I’ll test again. Do you think it will be negative? It could be! Sometimes life is like that you know!

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Categories: Beebe Brains


Fred Veer · July 25, 2022 at 8:16 pm

Hi Allen,

pity to hear this.

I hope you recover soon.

Had covid two months ago, despite three vaccinations, so I know the feeling.

Was not too bad, but different people react differently.

I know some students who were ill for two weeks from one of the recent strains.

regards, fred

Rob Vercouteren · July 25, 2022 at 9:31 pm

Get better soon! eat some fruit as the vitamins needed by the body to battle that crap are drained soon.

Jan Willem · July 28, 2022 at 9:43 pm

Get well! However, some people may still test positive 8 weeks after recovering, despite not having symptoms. Sometimes life is just that way… ☹️. Hope you are not among those… 😊.

Chuck Hauk · July 29, 2022 at 4:44 pm

Sheesh! As the old saying goes: “Other than the incident, how did you enjoy the play, Mrs. Lincoln?” Take care. Get well.

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