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Shi Kon (Four Souls) to which I make the following correlations:
Aramitima – Fire
Nigimitama – Water
Sakimitama – Earth
Kushimitama – Heaven

Here we are going to make a bit of an educated leap. We know from our reading that when creating a vertical circle we create 2 In/Yo forces of Up/Down or Heaven/Earth. If we create a horizontal circle we can create an additional 2 In/Yo forces one entering and one leaving (or turning) we could call them Fire/Water. Together they make a cross. Since each is the harmonization of In/Yo we could call this the cross of Aiki! Or since both circles are rotating we could call it coaxial rotation. Or, for the sake of simplicity we could just call it Aiki.
Allen Writes: Finally let’s consider what happens when two force vectors come together at 90º. That’s correct, there is a resultant force vector at 45º. If we take each of the pairs of force vectors and combine them, it results in eight vectors!
Hachi Riki
Four pairs of mutually dependent, co-arising complementary force opposites, or eight powers.
“The 8 powers are opposing forces: Movement – Stillness, Melting – Congealing, Pulling – Loosening, Combining – Splitting / 9-1, 8-2, 7-3, 6-4”

Notice how when making four pairs of complimentary opposites that there is no 5-5. If we were to consider these number pairs as sitting on a balance scale, 5-5 would be “double weighted. The other number pairs imply a dynamic balanced state as opposed to a static balanced state. One is considered to be “living” while the other is akin to “death.”
We end up with a cosmology of how all things come into being, and manifest. [Macro Cosmic] How we exist and manifest. [Micro Cosmic] and what Aikido is [One body with two primary (In/Yo) forces led by our human force (intent), expressing co-axial rotation (spirals) which generate four in/yo force pairs or eight powers.
When asked further questions Ueshiba Morihei’s non-verbal response was to show Kagura Mae, a three dimensional example of one body expressing two rotational In/Yo forces traveling the path of Heaven/Earth expressing as a spiral.
One could, and the founder did, add more detail and nuance to this model. For example Iki breath and Kokyu breath both imply In/Yo, but also can refer to a particular kind of power. Nevertheless, the model is complete in and of itself just as his Kagura Mae demonstration with various objects was a complete model in and of itself.
The one thing moves and all things come into being. [Macro Cosmic]
The founder of Aikido never said, “I move in the pattern of techniques and Aikido is produced! Or “These techniques are a metaphor for Aiki and/or conflict resolution.”
Ueshiba Morihei said, “I move and techniques are produced” [Aikido] [Take Musu Aiki]
“I AM Aiki!”
Let me conclude by pointing out that there is no branding or patent on this. No sole culture, country, organization, or teacher has exclusive knowledge of, or rights to Aiki or Aikido. Aikido isn’t a religion, belief system or philosophy. In fact I think that was the founder’s larger point. He was a Nihonjin and a product of his time and culture. As such he maintained certain political, religious, and cultural beliefs, assumptions, and practices. BUT, none of those are required for Aikido. Aikido has nothing to do with costuming, style, or rank.
Aikido just is. It is available to anyone, any where, at any time.
Yes, this knowledge has been kept secret by individuals in different countries, different cultures, and at different times. But more than one teacher made up their mind to share their knowledge in the hope of benefitting others.
If one has the interest, why not avail one’s self of that which has been generously given (knowledge) and that which is freely available Aikido?
“I think that if you cannot understand Ichirei Shikon Sangen Hachiriki, breath (kokyu) and Aiki, then even if you practice Aikido the true power of Aikido will not come forth.”
Here is a link the Chris Li’s article:
I suggest supporting Chris Li’s efforts, following the links inside the article and reading all of the other great articles available on his site.
You can find Douglas Walker’s full translation of Shirata Rinjiro’s article on It is worth multiple readings over time.
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