I was watching a video on Olympic lifting (I still love metal. Don’t tell anybody!) and I heard this great quote:

“I haven’t taught until they have learned!”

That one is a keeper.

Categories: Beebe Brains


Till · July 23, 2020 at 3:16 pm

Hi Allen,
great inspiration for some brain wringing thoughts. If one were to agree that the responsibility for learning lies to a great extend in the realm of the learner, one needs to conclude that a non neglible (i.e. essential) part of the responsibility for successful teaching lies also in the realm of the to-be-taught…
What is the teacher then responsible for? Obviously not for being a teacher (if being a teacher would be proven by having taught)…
With (somewhat) brain wrung out greetings

Chuck Hauk · July 23, 2020 at 11:58 pm

Exactly right. If my students haven’t learned, it’s not their fault. It’s mine, as their teacher.

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