Hey guys,

I just found an incredible app that works in either Windows or Mac. It is called “Krisp.” It can eliminate background noise going out, and/or in, from your computer. And boy does it work too! I asked my family to make lots of noise while I recorded myself and it completely eliminated all of their background noise. And they were NOISY!

The service gives 120 minutes per week free. Or, for $5/mo they offer unlimited minutes. Of course this means it is free to try. Oh yeah, all of the process is done on your computer so your data stays your data.

If you work in a potentially noisy environment, and many of us presently do, this could be a blessing.

I’ve pasted a referral link below. They say if you sign up it gives you 1 month free and me 2 months. I honestly don’t know about that. But if you have trouble with noise, I’d check out their app regardless.


Wishing you all sanity during these crazy making times!

~ Allen

Categories: Beebe Brains


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