I have a couple of great vids to share today. I have Chris Li to thank for pointing out the first one and Oisin Bourke to thank for pointing out the other. Both are posted on Youtube. Enjoy!
Shirata Rinjiro Demonstrates about half way through. I think this demonstration occurred not long before his hospitalization and death. In other words, during this demo he is dying. One can see him demanding his body bend to his will. Not long after this, when I invited Sensei to my official Dojô opening, he politely declined saying he was even declining to do things for Kisshomaru,, so it wasn’t him just turning me down. Nevertheless, he sent via Prof. John Stevens, a beautiful letter, wall hanging calligraphy poem integrating the Dojô name, and a large wall sign calligraphy featuring the Dojô name and signed with Shirata sensei’s title.
Right up to the end, Shirata Rinjiro was a gentle, generous, strong man!
Thank you. Great question! I think I’m almost ready.
I’ve been busy with life, but also busy training/studying. Two more weeks of work and then I might have a little time to film and edit before I take off to teach in Europe.
Here is a tease: This segment of Tandokudosa has tenkan, stepping tenkan, and two different 360 degree tenkans. Each combines Aiki age & Aki sage (Aiki age and sage can be accomplished mono axially or bi axially) with both being biaxial movements in these exercises, combined with a central axis turn either 180 degrees or 360 degrees. If that isn’t hard enough, the legs should be doing the same thing the arms are. In other words, while this is a solo body movement exercise, (when done properly) if one were to take hold of an arm or leg one would find one self “stuck” and moving without knowing exactly why, with no cooperation or collaboration asked for or needed.
Great stuff. The movements are relatively simple to learn . . . but doing it, REALY doing it? Also simple . . . but very, very few can!
Hi everybody! Here is the fourth and last segment of Shirata Sensei’s special class. Now, when I say Special Class, please keep in mind that these classes occurred on a yearly basis and were held Read more…
It seems like even more Shirata vids are being posted, which is great! Here are several more posted on Youtube. Isn’t it great that people are sharing? I’ll digitize and post more of mine too Read more…
littlepanda77 · June 1, 2019 at 2:17 am
Eagerly waiting for your next installment on Tandoku dosa. When is it coming?
Allen Beebe · June 2, 2019 at 1:44 am
Thank you. Great question! I think I’m almost ready.
I’ve been busy with life, but also busy training/studying. Two more weeks of work and then I might have a little time to film and edit before I take off to teach in Europe.
Here is a tease: This segment of Tandokudosa has tenkan, stepping tenkan, and two different 360 degree tenkans. Each combines Aiki age & Aki sage (Aiki age and sage can be accomplished mono axially or bi axially) with both being biaxial movements in these exercises, combined with a central axis turn either 180 degrees or 360 degrees. If that isn’t hard enough, the legs should be doing the same thing the arms are. In other words, while this is a solo body movement exercise, (when done properly) if one were to take hold of an arm or leg one would find one self “stuck” and moving without knowing exactly why, with no cooperation or collaboration asked for or needed.
Great stuff. The movements are relatively simple to learn . . . but doing it, REALY doing it? Also simple . . . but very, very few can!
littlepanda77 · June 4, 2019 at 2:37 am
Thanks allen… looking forward to it.
danielkati · June 6, 2019 at 6:05 am
Thank You Allen!