Last week I worked twelve hour days all week. By Friday I had a migraine and felt hot when I got to bed.

So … no time for blogging or video. Also, Friday I had to take my computer in to have the hard drive replaced. Normally I’d do this myself, but it is a Macmini and when I saw the video and looked inside I decided that discretion is the better part of valor in this instance.

So… while I have a blog I was working on from earlier and there are some comments I am looking forward to responding to, they will have to wait until my computer returns.

I could video … but I think I’ll rest a bit first. Again, discretion being the better part of valor.

Fear not, you have not been forgotten! I’ve just had to triage my life! (Btw, I am experimenting with “sticking post to front page option.” We’ll see what happens!

Categories: Beebe Brains


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