If you value TrueAiki.com please READ THIS!

Did you notice that TrueAiki.com went down for bit? That is because we ran out of storage space. The web master worked his magic and got rid of enough that we could go back online. But we are just megabytes from having it happen again. That means no more posts until enough love comes in to cover the cost of the necessary upgrade.

As you might suspect TrueAiki.com’s trickle of income that kept things rolling slowed down to drips over the last year. I didn’t say anything because 1) I wasn’t posting much due to the COVID work crunch, and 2) I figured everyone else might be crunched too.

TrueAiki.com’s miracle web master and I are pawing through files to see what, if anything, can be disposed of without removing information that people around the world have appreciated for years, and continue to appreciate right up to today.

Some of you might remember that the beginning TrueAiki.com was just a written blog. Then readers asked for pictures and video and backed up their requests with donations and monthly support. That brought TrueAiki.com far beyond what I ever imagined possible. Not only was I able to share video of topics written about, I was able to share archival video all freely available, helping to assure its existence into the future. The popularity of TrueAiki.com raised awareness around the world. I was able to meet people from many countries face to face and demonstrate the potential that developing Internal Power and Aiki offered. We even transitioned from live seminars to regular virtual monthly seminars during the lockdowns. None of that would have happened without the interest, faith and support of TrueAiki.com readers.

I have more archived video to share, more video related to written topics, and more information shared with me ready to share with you. But I can’t without the funds that provide the storage space, web hosting, domain, etc. We’re talking hundreds of dollars not thousands.

If you hadn’t noticed, lately I began to post more again, before this situation cropped up. I only have a few weeks before I’ll be retired and free to do even more.

If you value the unique information and perspectives shared here and would like to see TrueAiki.com continue to grow, please show your appreciation by Contributing Now!

If every TrueAiki reader were to contribute what they could we would instantly be financially okay. Really! There are that many readers!! If you thought about contributing in the past but put it off, please contribute now. If you contributed in the past and can comfortably contribute again, please do. And for the precious Patreon contributors you have been the bedrock upon which TrueAiki.com was built. Thank you! If you aren’t a Patreon contributor and would like to be, now would be a great time to join. The stable steady income is what comfortably pays the bills.

Thank you all again for your support and encouragement over the years. You make me confident that the future will continue to be bright!

True Aiki is free for all to read, but it is not free.  As little as $1 can help to cover expenses and possibly add features to True Aiki.

Thank You!

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Please consider becoming a patron of Allen Dean Beebe's True Aiki.  Your ongoing support will best assure the continuance and growth of True Aiki.



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