Yesterday was my mother’s birthday.  She is such a remarkable person and has brought such joy and meaning to my life.  More than once, it has been mentioned at the gym I work at that I always seem happy and am always smiling.  From the time I grew up until today, my mom has always seemed happy and is always smiling.  This wasn’t because we were so well off, we weren’t. And it wasn’t because life at home was always easy.  I saw to it that that wasn’t always the case.  It wasn’t because she has never suffered a loss. She suffered more losses than just about anyone I know.  I’m guessing it is just because she tends to always see the best in others, maintains a hopeful and grateful attitude and has never stopped trying to help others long enough to spend too much time feeling sorry for herself.  

When I think of mom certain words easily come to mind:  LOVE, joy, openness, gratitude, generosity, positivity.  My mom is also tough in the sense of fortitude and forbearance.  

One might think that I am biased.  Well, I certainly am.  But that having been said, I’d have to say many, many other people would be willing to swear that what I have shared is true, and would probably have even more to add.  You see, if anyone seemingly needs a mother’s love, my mother has SO much. She happily pulls them under her wing, and they KNOW that they are loved!

My mom thinks I’m great.  I know it sounds kind of silly, but I sure enjoy knowing that when I try to do something, at least my mom is going to think I’m great.  At the very least, she will be proud of me for having tried.  There is some unspeakable comfort in knowing that at least one person in the world thinks you are great.

One last thing that has meant so much to me over the years, I know that no matter what my mom will continue to love me as only she can.  That isn’t to say that if I were a thief or a scoundrel, she would pat me on the head and say, “There, there honey, the world made you what you are.”  She wouldn’t, she would tell me that I need to stop being a thief and a scoundrel and make me take responsibility for my thoughts, words, and actions.  But she would STILL love me!

Today is my sister’s birthday!  Yeah, it’s the day after my mom’s.  My mom and sister have lived together for about 30 years (not counting our years growing up together.)  So, you can see my mom and sister are pretty close!  

My sister is three years older than I am, and seemingly could always do what I could not, and better.  To balance that out, somehow, she created an over developed sense of my capabilities.  So, somehow, I ended up with a sister that thinks I’m capable to doing great things.  Maybe it is because she hung around my mom so much.  But I don’t “look a gift horse in the mouth.”  If my “can do anything better than me” sister thinks I can, and do, great things . . . I’m not going to dissuade her of that conviction.  I need all the help I can get.  

My sister is smart, and talented in many ways.  She is also passionate.  One of the cool things about her personality is that she is passionate about doing what is right and seeing to it that right is done for all.  We have grown closer over the years and can communicate and share more easily with each other.  This is another thing I am grateful for.

I hear about other people and their family issues and know that I am blessed.  I can trust both my mother and my sister 100%, 100% of the time!  It is a wonderful feeling to know that, as much as we are capable of, we will always be there for each other.

Yeah, yeah!  That’s nice and all, but what does this have to do with TrueAiki?  Well, TrueAiki as it exists here on is Allen Dean Beebe.  And, the Allen Dean Beebe that creates wouldn’t be if it weren’t for the influence of Allen Dean Beebe’s mom and sister.  So, in one sense, they have everything to do with TrueAiki!

Love you Mom!  Love you Sis!

~ Allen

Categories: Beebe Brains


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