Due to the generosity of many True Aiki supporters I am going to be able to up grade True Aiki to an account where I can imbed video.  This is cool for a couple of reasons.  I have a box full of old beta, vhs, and 8mm video tapes.  tinfoil-HAt2It would be pretty cool to be able to digitize the contents of the tapes and upload them to True Aiki so that they might be preserved via the cloud and thousands of computers around the world.  It takes special equipment or a service to do the digitizing but it looks as though that may be in reach.

Also, I spoke with Walter Oude Wesselink yesterday and he generously offered to donate a Samsung camcorder when I’m in The Netherlands in a few weeks.  So that takes care of that!  I’ve looked up some DIY ideas for lighting too.

One of the True Aiki readers suggested that I set up a page on Patreon and so I am working on that.  That would help to provide sustained support for True Aiki.

Anyway, there’s no rest for the wicked!

~ Beebe’s Brain

Categories: Beebe Brains


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