Hi Everybody,

Who wants to be normal? ~ Beebe
I have not fallen off of the face of the earth! I have just been super duper busy. I am a school teacher and the end of the school year is non stop! I’ll be done on Monday 6/19/2017, but I’ll be on off to teach in the Netherlands and Spain Wednesday! So, I won’t be any less busy even after I’m done with work.
On the other hand, there is a long flight over and back so I should be able to get some writing done. You may not have noticed but I’ve “up-graded” the color scheme on the blog. I could do this because I upgraded the features on the blog, which means . . . . I can now post video!
I’ll be receiving the new (to me) camcorder in the Netherlands (thanks again Walter!), so perhaps, and maybe, the first video posts will feature footage filmed in the Netherlands and Spain! When I get back home, I’m hoping to add more post production to spiffy up future videos.
And how is it that all of this is coming about? By the generous donations of viewers like YOU!
I’m hoping to send a personal e-mail to each contributor thanking them for their support. I hope to do that in between classes on my trip.
I hope to sometime sooner rather than later finish setting up the Patreon page, that way this great start can hopefully be sustainable.
After I get back from Europe I’ll leave again after a week for more traveling. And, not long after that it will be back to work (the other kind of work) for Allen!